Money matters
Helpful tips, IMPORTANT dates and advice
Common errors when completing BAS
It may be surprising to you that many BAS’s that are lodged whether electronically or by paper (that is being phased out), are lodged with common errors.
Why choose a registered BAS agent
Engaging a bookkeeper to assist you in your business can be a scary thing. You are basically letting a stranger have details of your business, bank details and lots of other personal information.
Getting back on track with your tax
During these challenging times, it is easy to loose track of your tax and sometimes when you do fall behind it seems too daunting to do anything about it.
Income tax rates
Have you ever wondered how your personal tac is worked out? Well here is the ATO’s Marginal Tax rates for the 2020 / 21 tax year (plus Medicare)
Upcoming ATO lodgement dates
A note for your diary - update your diary and keep on top of the upcoming deadlines
JobKeeper extension 1
Well here we are, at the end of the Phase 1 of Jobkeeper – it’s hard to believe that almost 6 months on and the world is still under the grips of Covid-19.